One Year to Live
WHAT is the “ONE YEAR TO LIVE” Men’s Retreat you ask? Glad you did! Gulf South Men’s C.E.O. Mark Lubbock describes his first experience with OYTL (One Year To Live) Men’s Retreat:
“‘One Year To Live’ is a national men’s retreat experience created and hosted by “Lutheran Men In Mission” of the ELCA. Scott Quillin, a leader with OYTL and an officer/board member of Gulf South Men, began hosting the One Year To Live Men’s Retreat in Louisiana some five years ago. Each year Scott assembles a team comprised of National and Regional Leaders to craft a very unique “One Off” experience for men. AND – Each year Scott would be faithful to invite me to participate as an attendee. I am a great proponent of having leaders make time to tend to their own spiritual life and renewal by attending events like this. But coming as a participant, not in a leadership role. Knowing this Scott was very intentional to offer me this opportunity of personal renewal at OYTL.
Yet for the past four years I’d have pre-scheduled commitments on my calendar on the same weekend as the OYTL retreat and could not attend. I promised Scott that if he could get me the date for 2018 early I would make sure it was on my calendar first and would be sure to attend. Scott not only got me the date early, but was generous enough to sponsor me for the weekend!
I was eager to have this time apart and entered into the experience with an open and seeking heart. IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT! Wow! The time literally flew by from Friday evening to Sunday lunch time when the event closed out. During the weekend I drew very close to the other men attending. Not only did I experience and receive the spiritual renewal I sought, I also HAD A BLAST! The men attending came from as far away as Colorado and from across Southern Louisiana.
My big takeaway from the weekend was a renewed enthusiasm for the work that God has blessed me to do for His Kingdom, and a new band of brothers to accompany me in the journey!
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the OYTL weekend experience for men irrespective of where you find yourself in your spiritual walk. Whether you are brand new or a sage, or maybe a well-seasoned veteran, you will find this weekend to be WELL WORTH the time invested!”