Christian MenGreat men of God

Immanuel God is with us

The very Spirit of Christmas of can be found in the angels’ message to Joseph. Matt 1:23 Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Can’t you just imagine that as Mary and Joseph were traveling the road to Bethlehem they kept reminding themselves that God is with us? When the donkey would stumble causing Mary great pain she could pray Immanuel. Remember Joseph was a young man who had never cared for a pregnant wife. He had no family or friends to rely on. While he was all alone trying to comfort Mary he could look to the heavens saying Immanuel. It is wonderful to note that through the leading of the Holy Spirit Matthew was led to translate Immanuel. Why would he do that? The Jewish reader already understood the meaning of the name Immanuel. It was so for the next 2000 years everyone of any language who read that verse would know that God is with us. What we are celebrating on Christmas day is the truth that God is with us. He is with us in our joys and our victories. He is with us during our sorrows and grief. He is with us when we are walking with confidence. He is with us when we are confused at the world around us. God is not with us just in the sense of being present. He is with us in that we are literally joined at the heart, mind and soul. He is with us in and through all things. When we step out into eternity He will still be Immanuel. He will still be with us. We can and should celebrate that every day of every year. There is not a moment in time in which we can’t look to the heavens and say “Immanuel”. God is with us. Now that’s something we can celebrate all year. You think about that.