Review of a Powerful Men’s Event
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On January 20th hundreds of men gathered in Baton Rouge for the 2018 IRON SHARPENS IRON National Men’s Conference. Men of all ages, denominations and races participated in this equipping event. There were sixteen breakout Seminars featuring National Speakers. Men were presented relevant teaching on topics that connected to them right where they live.
This catalytic conference presents men with relevant, useful tools that can be taken back to their church and homes to put into practice. Men were encouraged and strengthened through the powerful Keynote messages as well as the sixteen breakout sessions.
EXCITING National Keynote Speakers included Lt. Col. (Ret.) Chuck Stecker, formerly with the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon & Former U.S. Fire Administrator and Fire Chief of Atlanta Kelvin Cochran!
Breakout Sessions addressed important topics like: Men’s personal spiritual life, Fathering, Finances, Balancing Career and Family, Developing Leaders, Growing Men’s Ministry, Overcoming Major Obstacles in Life and much, much more!
Is there an IRON SHARPENS IRON event near your community? If not, maybe God will lay it on your heart to help get one started! Gulf South Men will come into a new community to host a Regional Iron Sharpens Iron when certain pre-requisites are met. First and foremost is a sponsoring church which is committed to men’s ministry within their own congregation. Second, and equally important is a local Champion who is willing to develop a local ongoing team that is able to work with Gulf South Men year round. Gulf South Men offers “Best-In-Class” Studies, Training, Speakers, Tools and Resources to facilitate and support ministry to men. We seek to partner with local groups and leaders to grow men’s ministry in the local churches and area.