

If you could do something to improve your church, to greatly magnify the effectiveness of your church, would you want to know about it? And if it turned out to be something that YOU could do without much if any effort, would you want to know more? Would you be willing to share this with other people in your church? Could you imagine telling this to a few of your buddies?

GOOD!! Then let me share the good news right now! The number one thing that you can do that will change the total character of your church is to PRAY for your Pastor! Think about it! According to scripture GOD appointed your Pastor to serve in this church. (Romans 13:1 “Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.
” NLT.

With God in control then, (and he ALWAYS is in control!) why not do everything in your power to ensure that your Pastor is wildly successful in executing the mission that God has before them? We certainly want God to change the things in our life that we struggle with and against. Take this same heartfelt desire to God on behalf of your Pastor. It is EASY to setup a team to Pray for Your Pastor!

INTRODUCING the Pastor Prayer Team! This is a website that will allow you to form a prayer team for your Pastor, and that will remind prayer partners of their day to pray. Churches that are doing this faithfully are seeing results!!!

CLICK HERE to visit this valuable tool and then setup the free account that will allow you to support your Pastor(s) in the most vital manner possible!


Pastor Prayer Team Signup
Website to help recruit and managed volunteers to pray daily for your pastoral staff!

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